SoulFood And Wellness

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and on this website your personal data as a user is respected and taken care of. For this reason and in compliance with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and In Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, we inform you that the personal data that you have provided us through the website (hereinafter website) , will be treated in the following terms:

Responsible for the treatment

The personal data collected through this website will be processed by Tanja Kohlmetz (hereinafter soulfood and wellness), with address for the exercise of rights at 03590 Altea, Spain and email address: tanja@ soulfoodandwellness .com


Treatment purposes

  • Keep you informed about our products and services, when you request it through the forms on the website or by email.
  • Manage and answer your queries, comments and suggestions, if necessary.
  • Respond to requests for budgets, economic valuations and commercial offers, sending them to the applicant, as well as to carry out commercial monitoring and prospecting actions, by telephone, telematics or in person.
  • Process and manage the contractual or pre-contractual relationship as purchaser of our services or products that, where appropriate, you formalize with  Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness  through our website or by email.
  • In the event that you check the box made available for this purpose, we may send you a newsletter with news, information on offers and promotions, as well as advertising information about  Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness  through the email address you have provided us. In any case, you will need to confirm your subscription through an activation email that will be sent to you when you have accepted this privacy policy.
  • Manage your participation in present and future selection processes, in case you send us your data (including your resume) for this purpose.
  • Obtain information about the use of the website, analyzing the number of pages visited, the number of visits, as well as the activity of visitors and their frequency of use. For this purpose,  Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness  uses statistical information prepared by the Internet Service Provider that does not allow the identification of the interested party at any time.


Consent . The personal data obtained through the forms on the website will be processed solely based on the consent given by the interested party, through acceptance of the box provided for this purpose. This consent can be withdrawn at any time.

Legitimate interest of the person responsible . The statistical information obtained from the website will be processed based on the legitimate interest of the person responsible. This information does not allow the user to be identified.


The personal data obtained through the website will not be communicated to third parties, except by legal obligation.


The personal data provided by the user to receive commercial communications will be kept as long as the interested party does not request its deletion or withdraw their consent.

When the user sends their personal data to participate in selection processes at  Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness , the data will be processed to participate in the selection processes open at that time. If your application is not selected, your data will be kept for a period of two years in order to be able to count on your participation in future selection processes.

When the user sends their data to contact  Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness , make questions or make suggestions, the data will be kept as long as it is necessary for this purpose and responsibilities may arise from the processing carried out.

The statistical data derived from the analysis of traffic and visits to our website will be kept for a period of three years.


You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, limitation and opposition to its processing, by writing to the email address : . In case of disagreement with the treatment, you also have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( ).


Minor protection policy

Whoever provides the data through the forms on this Website and accepts its treatment formally declares to be over 14 years of age.
Access to and use of the website by minors under 14 years of age is prohibited.
Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness  reminds adults who have minors in their care that it will be their sole responsibility if a minor incorporates her data to request a product or service.
We also inform you that there are computer programs to control navigation by filtering or blocking certain content.

Treatment derived from the use of social networks

By following our profile on the different social networks that we use, the user has given their consent to the processing of their personal data in accordance with the privacy policy of the corresponding social network. Likewise, the user expressly consents to the access and processing of the data contained in their profile by Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness and that the news published about the products and services offered by  Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness   appear on their wall. The user’s request to connect with  Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness necessarily implies their consent for the indicated treatments, this being the legal basis of the treatment. The data will be kept as long as the interested party does not request opposition or withdraw consent, which may be done at any time.

Comments and content published on social networks will become public information, so users will have to be especially cautious when they decide to share their personal information.  Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness  is not responsible for the information that users include in the social networks it manages. However, people whose data is published or included in comments may request Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness  to cancel them.

At Tanja Kohlmetz soulfood and wellness we are committed to respecting and defending the right to protect the personal data of our users, visitors and clients.

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